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Cities don't have enough public bathrooms: Meet the influencer trying to change that
Next City reports that a New Yorker armed with a TikTok account is trying to open more public bathrooms for everyone.
What’s in a VIN? How to decode the vehicle identification number, your car’s unique fingerprint
Every vehicle built after 1981 has a unique vehicle identification number, or VIN. The location of this string of letters and numbers varies, but it’s located somewhere on every car, SUV, motorcycle and truck – typically on a small metal plate or a sticker. ...
Families are experiencing food insecurity as Americans grapple with higher grocery costs
Hunger is rising nationwide. Link2Feed analyzed data from the USDA to illustrate which Americans are more likely to go without food.
Extreme heat drives up food prices. Just how bad will it get?
Grist reports on how "heatflation" could drive up food prices around the world by as much as 3% per year in just over a decade.
A little-understood sleep disorder affects millions and has clear links to dementia – 4 questions answered
A little-known and poorly understood sleep disorder that occurs during the rapid eye movement, or REM, stage of sleep has been garnering attention for its role in foreshadowing neurodegenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. …