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5 great momcation destinations to visit in 2024
Way.com guides moms to five U.S. destinations for perfect momcations on Mother's Day or any day they need a much-needed break from the demands of motherhood.
'Behind the 8 ball': How research is trying to catch up on cannabis and kids
The 74 reports on how cannabis use has increased among teens and young adults with negative impact on their brains.
New studies show how Black LGBTQ+ youth navigate discrimination. Advocates are mapping out ways to help
The 19th reports on studies that examined mental health issues among Black LGBTQ+ youth.
Love don't cost a thing? Behind the rise of nontraditional wedding venues
Giggster analyzed reports and data on weddings to find out why nontraditional wedding venues are on the rise and whether these venues save couples money.
20 iconic rock songs written on the spot
Stacker compiled a list of 20 iconic rock songs written on the spot, consulting historical records, music charts, and magazine interviews.